DuPage County is in the process of developing a plan for the Route 83 Corridor, which runs through Wood Dale, Bensenville, Addison, Elmhurst and Villa Park, from Devon south to St. Charles Road. This plan will focus on land use designations, real estate and transportation, ultimately resulting in a community-driven, action-oriented master plan that addresses issues and opportunities along Route 83. After conducting several community feedback meetings last spring, the plan developers will share their findings and recommendations at two community workshops to be held Monday, January 20 at White Oaks Park in Wood Dale from 6-8 pm and Wednesday, January 29 at the Villa Park Library from 6-8 pm. Residents are invited to attend one of these two meetings to provide feedback on the key recommendations for the Route 83 Corridor. To learn more about the study and planning process, please visit www.planroute83.org.