City of Wood Dale, IL
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The Wood Dale Police Department takes identity theft seriously. Below is some information about identity theft. The police department will provide any resident with an identity theft victim kit. For your kit or more information regarding identity theft, please contact Deputy Chief William Frese at 630-766-2060.
Despite your best efforts to manage the flow of your personal information or to keep it to yourself, skilled identity thieves may use a variety of methods – low- and hi-tech – to gain access to your data.
An identity thief co-opts some piece of your personal information and appropriates it without your knowledge to commit fraud or theft. An all-too-common example is when an identity thief uses your personal information to open a credit card account in your name.
Can you completely prevent identity theft from occurring? Probably not, especially if someone is determined to commit the crime. But you can minimize your risk by managing your personal information wisely, cautiously and with heightened sensitivity.
If you’ve been a victim of identity theft, we recommend you follow the Illinois Attorney General guidelines at the below link: